This new flatscreen to VR mod turns Neon White into the perfect 'just one more go' VR game


I’ve been playing VR for a very long time now so my legs are pretty sturdy, but when legendary flatscreen to VR modder Raicuparta approached me with a preview build of his Neon White VR mod, I must admit I was a little apprehensive.

Surely a lightning-fast game like that would push me over the edge? I thought. But, oh my, how wrong I was. Not only was playing Neon White in VR a completely comfortable experience (for me – newcomers to VR beware!) but it also felt like the perfect ‘just one more go’ VR game.

Playing Neon White in virtual reality was my first ever experience with the game, flat or not, and it honestly felt like a perfect fit for the medium. You can watch me demonstrate how this mod affects the gameplay of Neon White in this week’s episode of VR Corner, which features me swearing my way through a good chunk of the levels from Mission 3.

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