This Dark Souls Remastered VR mod makes Lordran's fantasy world feel R.E.A.L.


Hot on the heels of his Elden Ring R.E.A.L. VR mod, flatscreen to VR modder Luke Ross is back with a new update that brings third and first person, 6DoF VR to Dark Souls Remastered.

I put the mod through its paces in this week’s episode of VR Corner (below) and was staggered by how well it ran. The performance issues that caused the Elden Ring VR mod to chug away on even the most powerful rigs are non existant here and for me the game ran at a buttery smooth 160fps whilst in VR.

People familiar with Luke’s previous flatscreen to VR releases will know that his R.E.A.L. VR mods use a technique called alternate eye rendering to create the 3D image. At lower frame rates this causes a noticable flickering in the visuals, something that was especially prevalent in his Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077 VR mods. Dark Souls Remastered on the other hand is a much more stable game and this allows it run at a full frame rate at all times.

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