Sony ‘Mistakenly’ Offers PS Plus Extra Discount via Email


If you received an email from Sony that offered a discount on PS Plus Extra, but it didn’t actually include a deal, you’re not the only one. A few days ago, several users received an email offering them an Extra sub for the price of Essential, opening which included nothing but a bunch of game recommendations.

Sony says PS Plus discount emails were a mistake

Over on Reddit, a large number of users appeared confused about the offer that didn’t exist. Upon contacting PlayStation Support, some of the users were told that the email was actually from a deal that was offered last December, and wasn’t meant to go out again. Sony seems to have no intention to honor anything either, so we’re not getting any discounts here.

We’re assuming that someone used an old template for a new marketing email and forgot to change the headline.

Folks in the U.S. still have time to avail an offer that nets them 12 months of PS Plus Premium if they sign up for the PlayStation Visa credit card. The offers is only valid if players spend $600 within 60 days of account opening. This offer will expire on September 15.


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