Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is a solid if unremarkable Metroidvania


It feels like Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is still working to win back fans following the mixed reception to its initial reveal earlier this year.

This is an all-new game in the Prince of Persia series with a new main character and stylised art style – something which initially seemed to rub long-term Prince players up the wrong way. But how does it actually play? Eurogamer’s Ian Higton has now gone hands-on with three hours of the 2.5D Metroidvania game, and reported back below.

The gist? Ian reckons the game’s movement and combat are fun and fluid, while its exploration and puzzles will entice you to keep on playing until you’ve uncovered the whole map. But – as yet – it doesn’t yet rival the best of the Metroidvania genre, or the best of the Prince of Persia brand either.

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